Basic Information

File Formats:

We offer 3 different formats -

(1) Each Teaching Title is linked, and if you click on a title it will begin playing (streaming) after a short loading period. This will only allow you to listen in real time and not save a copy.

(2) MP3's - if you want to download your own copy of a teaching to play, or make copies of, just click on the word MP3 next to the title. In most cases a window will open up giving you the option to Save. PLEASE DO NOT PLAY OUR MP3's, they are for download purposes only. We offer streaming for instant play.

(3) CD size - these are split MP3 files which have been zipped. we have taken teachings over 80 min. long and split them into a Part 1 & Part 2 so that each part can be burned to CDs to share with friends and relatives. Both parts have been zipped up into one executable file so simply click on CD size to start the down load of the split file. Once downloaded just double click the file to automatically start the unzipping feature.

Problems and Troubleshooting

We work hard to make sure everyone can enjoy the audio teachings, but unforseen problems can arise from time to time that prevent some from enjoying this medium such as:

  1. New Issues! - Wouldn't you know it, as time goes by new problems pop up... Here are two biggies:
    QuickTime & Other Media players - If when installing any of the newer media players you selected for it to play mp3's then it just might jump in when you are trying to download and take over forcing the mp3 to play! You can (1) go into your media player and tell it not to automatically play. Or (2) Fall back on the old reliable Right-Mouse click. Right Mouse click the mp3 of choice and select Save Target/Link As (Target or Link depends on what browser your using), this will bypass playing and only save the file.
    Protocols - in the newer Windows Media Players they have turned off streaming of the mms protocol, which is what we use to stream. You can turn this back on by going into Options | Network tab (you may have to look up Network Protocols in the help window in order to find your way to the Network tab in your browser). On the Network tab make sure all possible protocols and selected. If you still have problems with this email our Webmaster.

  2. Start - by reloading the media file page. Many times we have to make changes to our pages to offer better performance, and if your browser is still loading the old page 'caching' (as most do) you will get an error. If reloading doesn't work you should clear your browsers cache file. For easy instructions for your browser go to the HELP menu and look up CACHE. You will usually find your cache under TOOLS - OPTIONS - and PRIVACY, but your help files will tell you exactly. After clearing the cache reload the page again.

  3. MP3's - If you have trouble steaming our teachings simply download the MP3 instead. Downloading is less taxing on computer systems than streaming is.

  4. Network Congestion - due to high volume of network traffic connections downloads and streams can be interrupted and dropped.

  5. If this happens to you start over. If you still get dropped wait a while before trying again.
  6. Other Issues - Such as your Internet Service Provider connection, hardware/software problems on your end, or older hardware/software not compatible with todays technology.

  7. Personal Firewalls - These can cause problems viewing Windows Media Player streams, but can usually be easily corrected by following directions from the manufacturer of your Firewall software. Go to the website of your Firewall software manufacturer and search out their recommendations for Windows Media Player streams.

  8. Player Codecs - These must match the codecs that are used to encode the audio files. Normally Windows Media Player codec updates happen automatically. Occasionally, for a number of reasons, this automatic update does not happen. You can download and install the latest codecs from Microsoft by going here.

The MP3's

Some tools you may find helpful -

~   » Mega Mp3 Splitter      » Blaze Audio media software

MP3 files are provided so that you may download a teaching and listen to it on your computer without being connected to the internet. You can also save MP3 files to a CD, called burning, for playing on a portable MP3 player. We have split up long teachings into a Part 1 & Part 2 so that each part will fit on one CD, just click on CD-size to download our split files.
Please be aware that our MP3 files are of the same quality as our streaming files, that is to say mono cassette tape quality.

If you want a cassette tape of the teaching then we recommend you place a tape recorder up to your computers speakers and record as the file plays, this way you will have a copy for listening to later separate from your computer system and the Internet.

Streaming Audio Files

Streaming media files play as they download, with a short initial buffering at the beginning before playing begins. The disadvantages are 1. It doesn't save the file to your computer, so you cannot listen when not connected to the Internet, and 2. You cannot conveniontly make copies to cassette tape or burn onto CD.

To begin listing to our streaming audio files simply click the Tape title.


How to burn MP3s to CD

If you have a CD writer on your computer, you can easily make CD copies of our media teachings at home. You can then listen to the messages on any CD player including your car.

Windows XP

  1. Download one of the Mp3 files to your computer.
  2. Right Click on the Mp3 file and a menu will appear.
  3. Left click the option on the menu that says, "Add To Burn List."
  4. Windows Media Player will appear.
  5. Wait about ten seconds and the Mp3 file will appear in the "Burn List" Window on the right side of the screen.
  6. Directly below it at the bottom of the screen is a button that says, "Start Burn."
  7. Place a blank CD-R into the CD writer on your computer.
  8. Click "Start Burn" and the process begins.
  9. When the CD is completed, the CD writer will eject the CD and it is ready to use in any CD player.


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can I use WebTV?
    Yes, any stream with Windows Media is supported by WebTV.
  2. What are Windows Media Player's System Requirements?
    A Minimum of:
    • Microsoft Windows® 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows 2000, or Windows Millennium Edition
    • Pentium 166 megahertz (MHz) processor
    • 32 MB RAM
    • 28.8-kilobits per second (Kbps) modem
    • 16-bit sound card
    • 256-color video card

  3. My Player keeps buffering and will Not Play.
    Excessive buffering is the result of poor connectivity. Streaming audio is especially susceptible to congestion related problems. Please understand that many Internet users probably are dialed-in to your ISP, which can cause congested lines and use up most or all of the bandwidth. Try again a little later or a different time of the day.


We sincerely hope this information has been helpful to you and that you are able to enjoy our audio media files. If you should still encounter problems accessing our media files, but can listen to other media files offered on the Internet Please contact our .



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